Sunday, February 13, 2005I suppose that picking up here after i've been gone for so long makes this post automatically awkward, but i've got to start again somewhere. perhaps a quick plotofmylife recap:-yup. still at emory -nope, don't like it so much, probably will transfer -classes are great, people not so much -i'm in a theater class. 10 people. 7 1/2 hours a week. just acting. very YES! -still dating the billboard at the top of your screen. -ain't she just DARLIN'??? -and no. still haven't acquired a southern accent. but ya'll check back later just'n case. -i rushed a couple frats, got into two, declined both. regret=mostly yes. -still keeping up the positive outlook on life, but its been a little difficult lately, due to general lack of good people to talk to. -started swing dancing again, hopefully will be back into the full "swing" of things soon. -yup. still hate puns. -now working out six days a week, mostly aerobic. -aerobics+georgia=sweaty kyle due to the hiatus in posts, i'm not expecting anyone to read this anytime soon, but if perchance someone does, perhaps leave a comment with some inspiration for the next post. BY THE WAY!!! I just found out Oasis is back together (i'm probably the last person on earth to know, but oh well) and they're touring the US this summer for four weeks only. i think they're playing in nevada, and if so, i'm thinking ROAD TRIP!! what do you all think?
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